About Us

ComplianceValidation.org is DealerX’s Website Traffic Validation and Invalid Traffic (IVT) Detection service. The product previously known as TrafficScore, has evolved to provide comprehensive compliance and traffic validation solutions.

Our Services

  • Website Traffic Validation
  • Invalid Traffic (IVT) Detection
  • First-party Visitor Validation
  • Advanced Threat Detection

Compliance and Certification

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and security:

  • Registered with the California Attorney General
  • Compliant with all state and federal privacy laws
  • Active member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
  • Employ a dedicated Data Compliance Officer
  • Team members hold IAPP certifications:
    • Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP)
    • Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)

Our Mission

At ComplianceValidation.org, we strive to protect businesses and organizations by providing cutting-edge traffic validation and threat detection services. Our expertise helps ensure the integrity of your digital assets and compliance with privacy regulations.

Contact us today to learn how we can help safeguard your online presence and ensure compliance with data privacy standards.

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